Martes, Mayo 8, 2012

A Brief Summary about "Pirates of Silicon Valley"

What does this story tells us? What happens in the story? How does it relates us?

      The Pirates of Silicon Valley is a film about Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Computers and Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft. This film historically traces the development of these two computer companies from the time these two gentlemen are college (the early to mid 1970’s) to approximately 3 months before Steve Jobs was fired by John Sculley, then CEO of Apple Computer in 1985.

   This story shows not only the development of these two computer companies, but also the rivalry between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. It highlights the computer giants of that time, who were Hewlett Packard, Xerox and IBM. However, the idea of the personal computer was just gaining speed and this is where both Steve Jobs and Bill Gates found their niche.

    What many people don’t know about these revolutionaries is that they worked together until Steve Jobs realized that Bill Gates developed Windows from software Apple had designed for their computers. 

     Why is it called "Pirates of Silicon Valley?" The irony of this situation is that Apple stole the “windows concept” from Xerox; hence the title, “The PIRATES of Silicon Valley”. Silicon Valley is an area of northern California where the computer development of the 1980’s and 1990’s surged.

      The button line of the story it relates the sad facts that Steve Jobs had disaffected so many of his former best friends that none of them wanted to toast him for his 30th birthday, in fact, three months later Steve Jobs was fired from the company he helped found. He was later re-hired in 1997 and became the architect of the second Apple Microsoft co-endeavor bringing the companies and the movie full circle. Even though Steve Jobs was fired from the company, it was then not a waste because he was happily living with his family.

   This film is a wonderful illustration of modern day entrepreneurs and gives us an inside look at the management style of both Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.I would recommend this film to anyone, student or not. It is an enlightening depiction of the evolution of a true phenomenon, the age of personal computers. Even more so, this film shows the men behind the machines, a story that shouldn’t be missed.


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